Sculptra Aesthetic

Injectable Poly-L-Lactic Acid

Sculptra Aesthetic is a sterile suspension of Poly-L-Lactic Acid, which is a biocompatible (does not harm the body), synthetic polymer from the alpha-hydroxy-acid family (fruit acids) that is injected below the surface of the skin. Poly-L-Lactic acid has been used medically for many years in dissolvable stitches and does not require pre-treatment skin testing for allergies. Sculptra Aesthetic is designed to help correct skin depressions, such as creases, wrinkles, folds, scars, skin aging, sagging, and facial lipo-atrophy (loss of fat).

Sculptra Aesthetic has been used since 1999 and in more than 30 countries primarily for cosmetic use. In the US, Sculptra Aesthetic is FDA approved for aesthetic and reconstructive use.

Depending on the area and condition treated, as well as the volume of Sculptra Aesthetic used in the injection, the effect of a treatment can last 1 to 2 years. But in some cases the duration of the effect can be shorter or longer. Multiple sessions are often required and patients with severe facial fat loss may require 3 to 6 treatments (with 2 to 6 vials total) 30 days apart. Individual response to Sculptra Aesthetic may vary and the exact number of treatment sessions required cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. In order to maintain the desired degree of correction, intermittent “touch up” treatments may be needed.

The results of Sculptra Aesthetic are not immediate. At your first treatment appointment, it may appear that Sculptra Aesthetic worked immediately because of swelling from the injections and the water used to dilute Sculptra Aesthetic. A few days following the treatment, when the swelling goes down and the water is absorbed by your body, you may look as you did before your treatment. Sculptra Aesthetic takes time to gradually correct the skin.

The ultimate result of a Sculptra Aesthetic treatment is fuller looking skin. After a completed treatment of this dermal filler, you can expect your skin to look plumper, bouncier, and more youthful overall. Because the results are natural, no one will be able to tell you got any work done

Side Effects/Risks/Discomforts

  • Possible Sculptra Aesthetic side effects may include the following: delayed appearance of small bumps under the skin in the treated area, bleeding, itching, tenderness or discomfort, redness, bruising, or swelling at the site of injection(s).
  • You may also experience any of the following: poor cosmetic result, infection, unevenness, swelling, granuloma formation (lumps), an allergic reaction, firm hard areas in treatment area, inadequate augmentation.
  • Induration, or a feeling of fullness or thickness, can be felt in the injection areas. This is a normal response of the treated tissue to the process of inflammation and new collagen formation. Simply massaging the treated areas gently 5 times/day for 5 minutes for 5 days after the injection can help minimize induration and help stimulate collagen formation.

Sculptra Aesthetic Post-Procedure Care

  • Cloth wrapped ice packs may be used during the first 24 hours. 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off
  • Massage the injected site as instructed for 5 minutes, 5 times/day, for 5 days
  • Elevate the head with two pillows while sleeping during the first few days to minimize swelling
  • Avoid aspirin, NSAIDS (Advil), and alcohol for the first few days after treatment
  • Tylenol for pain control
  • Avoid hot foods or gum chewing for the first several hours as mouth trauma may occur in the anesthetized areas. Notify Desert Sands Aesthetics for significant swelling, bleeding, eye pain, vision loss, dusky discoloration, excessive pain or fever
  • No facials or massage for 2 weeks after the procedure
  • Avoid strenuous workouts and alcohol for 24 hours
  • If bruising occurs, may take Arnica Montana supplements, drink fresh pineapple juice to help bruising resolve faster

Call (435) 522-5190 to schedule an appointment